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Benefits of a stucco exterior finish

Whether you are building, purchasing or are ready to renovate your home, stucco homes have many different advantages.


Advantages of Stucco as an Exterior Finish


Stucco is a mixture of cement, lime and silica applied in several layers over foam or metal lath. Because these layers essentially form a concrete shell around a house, stucco homes have improved insullation therfor using less energy to keep them cool in the summer or warm in the winter.

Stucco reduces sound transmission. This is excellent for anyone living in the city or across from a busy highway. Stucco also acts as a fire retardant. In some situations it has saved homes from being consumed risisting grass and forest fires. Stucco even risists mildew, rot and molds.

Despite the cost to refinish your home's exterior, stucco will pay for itself over the years because of its easymaintenance and logevity. Stucco is known to last over 50 years.

Stucco installation is quick, works on many different types of homes or surfaces, and gives you greater power over the exterior colours or style of your house. Even though stucco requires several coats during application, it may take as little as a day or two to install. It can be applied to both conrete masonry and wood frame buildings making it extemely versatile. Stucco can be mixed to give you the exact colour you need giving you a great dealof control over the finished product. Other types of siding are limited to the manufacturer's predertermined color palettes. Stucco's seamless appearance makes it perfect for modern and southwestern styles of homes drawing more attention to other details, such as window trim, wooden beams, railings, etc. Stucco truely is one exterior finish that may never go out of style with its flixable colours and styles.

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